Workaround on how to use Silverlight on Google Chrome


Recently Google Chrome has developed a problem where even though Silverlight is installed it is reporting that it needs to be installed. After some testing we have found a work around that should resolve the issue with customers trying to use our control panel with Google Chrome. If you prefer to use Google Chrome as your browser then please follow the steps below. We cannot promise that this will work for everyone on all pcs but please try this to resolve any issues you have experienced when trying to use our control panel.

Open google chrome and browse to the following url chrome://flags/#enable-npapi and search for “Enable NPAPI” as shown below


chrome flags







Click the link that says Enable then scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Relaunch Now button

relaunch now button




If you now try and access the control panel again it should say that Silverlight needs your permission to run.

From Google Chrome browse to chrome://plugins and under Silverlight, tick the box “Always allowed to run”


silverlight plugin














This should now resolve the issue with Silverlight when using the Google Chrome browser


Trackit247 Team