Auto Alarm feature


Introducing the Auto Arm feature

Some of you may have noticed that we have added an Auto Arm feature to the control panel. This means you don’t have to remember to set the motion alert every night when you leave your car outside your house or lock away your vehicle at work.

Once you have logged into your account and selected the tracker you need to add the Auto Arm to press the admin button at the top of the control panel and you will see the following screen:


Select the Auto Arm button and you will see an extra small box appear in the middle of the screen as shown in the image below:


You simply type in the time you want the set motion alert to turn on and when you require it to turn off each night and slide the arrow where it says off to show on and press save.

Now every day the device will turn on and off the set the motion alert for you so there is no chance of you forgetting to do this each day. As always if the tracking device is moved the alarm will display on the control panel and send you a text or email depending on how you have setup your admin page for the tracking device.

If you decide that the Auto Arm is no longer required you can simply turn it off again by following the same procedure and sliding the button to the off position.